Tuesday 25 January 2011

ISTD 2011 Project 01 - On Yer Bike

Right first things first this post will be entirely on the ISTD brief that I have chosen to do which is called " On Yer Bike". Basically the aim of the brief is to create a informational system for cyclists that will allow them to navigate through different routes etc the guide will show for example,
  • Safe routes for cyclists
  • shortcuts
  • places of interest
  • bike routes
  • scenic routes
  • city routes
  • quiet routes
  • flat or hilly routes
  • places for food/drink etc
  • bike repair or maintenance stops
and so on the list above is just the general idea of what the guide will include.

The guide can be created in anyway as long as I show a good idea and research and development to my idea. Also with it being a typography brief it has to have a quite a strong typographic presence to it and I will also have to create a dummy/ prototype of my idea.

At the moment I don't have any strong ideas of the top of my head. I know that you can get sat nav for bikes but like the brief states they are not fully developed yet so I don't really think that i will be going down that route. Plus cycling is supposed to be the cheap option so it kind of defeats the object if the cyclist has to go out and buy an expensive sat nav just to find their way around.

At the moment the only aspect we have on hand to aid cyclists is the odd cycle lane here and there but if you actually look at them most of them just disappear after a few hundred meters and they don't really tell you where they will take you. cyclist have to depend mainly on car road signs to navigate where they are going which is fine but they don't tell a cyclist if the route is safe for them or weather its a short route on where they want to go or a scenic route etc.

In my opinion one of the possible outcomes to answer the briefs would be to design a whole new range of road signs that are specifically aimed at cyclists. They could be mounted on the same structures as road signs but underneath them so they are at cyclist eye level and also could be presented in their own unique colour scheme so that they are easily recognizable as a cyclist sign and are not confused by motorists etc.

To give me some ideas on where my idea could go and if it would be possible I am going to look at everyday road signs and look at the person behind them who created the signage system if I can.

After a little bit of time rooting about on the world wide web I came across a nice woman called Margaret Calvert who is the women behind pretty much all of the road signs you see on today's roads. Margaret was originally from South Africa (b 1936) and came to England in 1950. Margaret became a talented typographer and graphic designer. She studied at the Chelsea College of Arts.

One of her briefs was to create some road signs for around Gatwick Airport this was set by her tutor called Kinneir and he asked for Margaret to help him. She decided on a simple black and yellow colour scheme with a clear and simple typeface which turned out to gain a lot of attention. In 1957 Her tutor Kinneir was appointed the head of signs for British Roads.

He then took on Margaret as his designer and asked her to redesign Britain's road signs to suit the new roads and motorways being built. She came up with simple clear pictogram's to indicate certain hazards or to alert a motorist of a crossing etc by simple pictures. For example road works was a man digging and a crossing sign was a women and daughter holding hands crossing which later was discovered the girl in the sign was actually herself. As for the road signs she created a blue and white colour scheme as after testing this was the most easy colour scheme to recognize at speed and at a glance.

Also she shocked a lot of people when she replaced city names being presented in block capitals to lower case. Her reason behind this was that this way it made your brain acknowledge the words easier and faster which was crucial when you was passing signs at speed in your car.

As well as the road signs Margaret went on to create her own typeface "Calvert" typeface for the use on the Tyne and Wear Metro system. Also in 2004 she was awarded an honorary degree by the University of the Arts in London for her work and achievements and to top it all off in 2009 she had the privilege of appearing on Top Gear to talk about her work with none other than James May himself.

Just in case anyone was interested I thought I would include the video below and also the fact that its really relevant to what I am doing.

I hope you found that video interesting because I sure did. Anyway moving on now that I have found out who and why had designed the road signs of today I am now going to look at what sort of signs are out there on today's roads for cyclists to give me an idea of how much work it would be to create a separate cyclist signage system but more importantly how much it would benefit the cyclists of Britain. 

After a look around on the world wide web I found a helpful little website which contained all the bike signage system that is currently in place on today's roads. The web page is called : www.cyclemaps.org.uk/signs.

The following information below is what I have copied from their website showing all the signs with a brief description of what each sign means at the side which I think is really quite helpful. So have a quick gander and see what you make of them.

Cycle Lane These can be either mandatory or advisory. Mandatory lanes are lanes approved and designed exclusively for cyclists. The road markings are distinctively solid white lines, whereas advisory cycle lanes are marked with broken white lines. On advisory lanes other road users can drive into them if necessary and may be allowed to park in them at certain times. As there is a lot of parking in cycle lanes in the Borough, consideration is being given to introducing appropriate waiting and loading restrictions where necessary.
The existing red surface colour is to be changed to a green surface colour throughout the Borough, to distinguish cycle lanes from bus lanes, as part of a London wide approach
Bus Lane On Bus Lanes, cyclists are allowed to use these lanes unless signed "Bus Only". The LCN Steering Group Committee is liaising with bus companies and the London Boroughs to allow all bus lanes to be used by cyclists where appropriate.
Shared Use Path A shared use path is one which can be used by cyclists as well as pedestrians. On such paths, cyclists must give way to pedestrians.
Shared Cycle/Pedestrian Path Segregated shared use path. A segregated shared use path is one which has some form of physical separation distinguishing the cyclist and pedestrian areas - usually a delineator white line, a raised white line or a kerb.
Cyclists Dismount Used mostly where the roads are very narrow or at roundabouts where there is insufficient width. This sign is to instruct cyclists to get off their bicycles and walk the designated path and follow the sign until it is safe to start cycling again.
An advanced stop line reservoir at a signaled junction is a marked and signed area, like a box in front of the stop line of traffic signals, which give cyclists a safe, visible area to wait, where they are segregated from other traffic. It allows cyclists to move ahead before other vehicles, making it safer for cyclists to turn left or right.
Advance Stop Line
proceed to second stop line and wait for green signal

wait at first stop line

Cyclists Only cycle route for use by cyclists only.
Cycle Route Ahead cycle route ahead.
Advisory Route advisory route for cyclists to use (usually on road with no provisions for cyclists).
Cycle Lane on Road cycle lane on the road ahead.
Cycle Lane on Road Direction cycle lane on the road for use by cyclists in the same direction as the other traffic..
Cycle Lane Direction Opposite cycle lane on the road for use by cyclists in the opposite direction to the other traffic (usually on one-way roads).
Warning for Pedestrians warning sign for pedestrians that there is a cycle lane ahead or that there is a cycleway crossing the road ahead.
No Cycling no cycling.
Traffic Signals traffic signals for cyclists where cycleways cross the road (where a shared use crossing is provided
Direction Sign
direction signs showing recommended route for cyclists.

Looking at the signs that are available for cyclists at the moment I think that they are OK but in my opinion they could be a lot better. The main reason why i think that they could be a lot better is due to the fact that they are not very clear and also some of the signs look very similar however they have completely different meanings. I think the whole cyclist signage system is a bit of a let down for cyclists and i think that it could be done in a more simple way. If you look at the motorists signage system that Margaret and her friends created it works perfectly and it is nice and clear and also simple and very easy to understand where as the cyclist system seems quite clustered and confusing. I think it could be done a lot more clearly and that is going to be my aim.

The information system i am going to create for cyclists will be a new redesigned signage and  navigation system which as well as being navigational and informative with the rules of the road/area etc it will also have such information as shortcuts, bike friendly, scenic route, city routes etc for cyclists so they know just by looking at the signs exactly what is coming their way and what to expect.

Right so first things first I thought that i would have a look around and see whats on offer to the cyclist on todays roads.

Apart from a few signs here and there and the odd bike lane there is not anything further to really aid the cyclist. There is no detailed signs or routes for short cuts or similar. What i did manage to find though was some pictures showing you the conditions of some of the bike routes and to be honest i am glad to say i am fortunate enough to drive because it looks a lot safer than what the brave cyclists have to put up with.

As well as the fact that there are barely any helpful signs for cyclists it also seems that even the cycle lanes are set out to kill them to. This one sports various council road signs in it just to mix things up.

This picture shows that instead of using a small portion of the road or path for a cyclist lane the council decided to have a car parking space that uses both the road and the path which makes it very difficult for cyclists to get past this as they have to face pedestrians on the left parked cars in the middle and buses in the bus lane on the right. 

This is another good example on how bad the cycle lanes are due to no maintenance of them by the council. The thing that gets me about this picture is the fact that the hole has been filled in and the excess rubble has just been left with all the barricades which are not even up right anyone and also completely blocking the cycle lane.

Here is a prime example of what i was saying earlier on when i said that most cycle lanes are just pointless as the start and then end more a less straight away. This one runs just 15 feet how pointless is that for cyclists? i found this image on the Daily Mail website where there has been numerous complaints about the this and the cyclist system overall.

After seeing these images and many like them it has shown me just how bad the cyclist system is. The biggest problems in my opinion are the information/ signage system for the cyclist and also the condition of the cyclist lanes themselves.

The cyclist lanes in my opinion can be amended quite easily most of them just need a good clean to make sure they are clear for cyclist where as others simply need extending further so it is actually a route and not 5 metre track that starts and ends randomly like the above picture.

The main problem is the the information system it virtually does not exist to be honest or it may as well not do but i am hopefully going to change that and make it useful by re designing it in a way that will aid the cyclist journey and make it more enjoyable/ efficient and most importantly safer.

Right now I have had a look at whats available to cyclists i think that it is time to start re designing the signage system.

The first thing i did was to go and look for the font that is being used on the road signs today. I want to keep the same font as it has proven to be the best font to use for its legibility and its been used for more than 30 years. I also want to keep a little consistency in my signage system so that it does not look out of place. 

How am i going to make it stand out for cyclist then you may ask ? and not be confused with motorist signs. I am going to have the cyclist signs lower down that the motorist signs so that they are closer to eye level for the cyclists. I am then also going to give the signage system a different colour scheme so that it wont be confused with motorist signage.

I think by changing the colour scheme but keeping the same font for my signage it creates a bit of balance and hopefully should sit along side the motorist signage without looking out of place.

I have found the font that need for my signage. I have the basic Transport font for everyday road signs. I will not need the Motorway font as cyclists are not permitted on the motorways so the motorway signage will remain untouched.

Here is an example of the Font:

Now that i have the font its time to decide a suitable colour scheme for the signage. After looking at the road signs that are around on today's roads and baring in mind what Margaret Calvert was saying on the video i showed you earlier i want a colour scheme to rival hers in the sense that i want it to be clear and stand out but i don't want it to be too distracting or bright. 

It needs to be simple consisting of mainly 2 colours so that its not to complex and distracting so that cyclist can have a quick glance and take in the information almost instantly.

The first thing I am going to do is open up Photoshop and have a little experiment with different colours combination's and sizes to see how they look alongside the motorists signs.

Here is one of my mock ups using a off Yellow and Blue colour scheme.

I am quite fond of this colour scheme i think that it works well along side the motorist signage. I am still not sure as to what information would be on the sign yet i just included some example text so i coud get an idea of how the font would look in the yellow colour. 

After some more experimenting with colour ideas i came up with another four colour schemes that i quite like. 

Here they are:

I tried to come up with a colour scheme that is easy to read but at the same time is not too bright and in your face hence why i have gone for darker shades of colour. I do not really like the red and black one as i think that the black text sort of just fades in to the red however when i tried it in white it looked quite abstract and also too bright.

I would say i am torn between the yellow and white colour scheme and the black and white colour scheme. I think they both work really well and the colours contrast off each other well highlighting the font and making it clear and legible which is important.

After some carful consideration i am going to go with the yellow and white colour scheme. The reason i am going with these colours is that i think they are slightly different and it really makes the font lift out from the darkened shade of colour and at the same time it does not over shadow the motorist signage.

Right since I now know what colour scheme i am going to be using i can set out making my informative signs.

After a  good period of time spent on Illustrator i have finally managed to complete my signs. Here is a picture below showing you my final signage ideas.

I have included various signs that i think will help cyclists the most. I have created various sizes of the signs so that the sign can be mounted underneath road signs or mounted on their own. The Bigger rectangle shaped signs would be used underneath a road sign as shown in the right of the image. The smaller rectangle shaped signs could be used on there own or underneath a small road sign. The Circular signs would be used on their own and would inform the cyclist with important information like where the cyclists routes are and when to dismount their bikes etc.

As i said earlier i dont think that the current cycle signs are very clear so I have tried to make my system more clear and also more helpful. I have included all the key points and information that i mentioned earlier on in my blog which if you can not see from the picture include:

  • Bike Stops
  • Bike Parking
  • Hilly Route signs
  • Flat Route signs
  • Bike Stops
  • Drink Stops
  • Nearest Toilets
  • City Route signs
  • Quiet Route signs (Country roads etc)
  • Trial Routes 
  • Scenic Routes
  • Places of Interest
I have also included a example of how a bike sign would be used linking to a road sign as you can see on the right side of the image. I think this system would work as it is efficient it wouldn't cost to much to put into action and it could encourage more people to take a bike to work therefore keeping more people fit and also lowering the carbon footprint.

I am happy with how my signs have turned out and i personally think that the white font with the mustard yellow background colour work very well together. The white really lifts out of the yellow and all the text is very legible and most importantly it doesn't conflict with the road signs.

Here are some examples of how the signs could look if they was being used on todays roads.

These are only very quick mock ups just to give you an idea of how the signs would look mounted posts etc.

Here are another few images that i have applied my signage to as well just to give you more of idea of how they would look:

I am happy with how the informative signage has turned out. On the last image you can not really see one of the signs but this is just due to the size its displayed at on blogger on the original file you can see it more clearly the sign you can not see shows "Quiet Route".

After having a sit down with one of my lecturers at college he said he really liked my idea for the information system and after looking at it for a while we decided on a few subtle but needed changes. The changes are basically just changing the outlining colour of certain signs to let the cyclist know what type of sign it is for example a warning sign, place of interest or a normal direction or information sign.

Here is an image of the new informational system:

As you can see from the image above to separate the signs into different groups on what they are showing i decided to split them into 3 colour schemes. Green and red shows caution or warning signs so they are more noticeable and when you see the colours it will make you aware there is a potential hazard coming up. The white and green scheme will be for the everyday basic signs that eiter show direction or basic information such as city routes etc. The final colour scheme is orange and green which shows the cyclist the sign is showing or relating to a place of interest.

By applying these colour schemes the signs will be easy to recognize and also will have different meanings which you can determine through the colour scheme. The colour schemes and keys to what they stand for will all be included in my promotional work so that everyone is aware before the informational system goes up.
Now that i have shown my idea for an informational system for the everyday cyclist which i think would work well and would be useful i now need to create some promotional ideas to promote my new informational system.

I think the best way to promote my informational system would be through means of Direct mail. This way it could be sent out to everyone and everyone would then be aware of the new system. Its just like when the government change bin collection schedules etc they send out direct mail to everyone to inform that there has been a change in the system and ideally that is what i am doing but in relation to the road signage system.

I do not want to go over the top on information as i find that if there is too much information to take in people will simply not take the time to read it and with my system going to be a big change and a good change at that for the cyclists i want to keep the attention of the reader. I will create a small leaflet/booklet  that contains the key information which will be such things as:

  • A diagram showing a selection of the informational signage
  • Where you would see the signage
  • brief description of what each sign is showing
  • Dates that the signage will be put into action
  • Where the signs will be (Area wise)
  • How the new informational system will benefit the cyclist
Before i started mine i decided to look at a government booklet that we had laying around in our house that is basically for the same reason as my booklet. 

The booklet is informing a change in the way you sort your rubbish for recycling i know its not the same as mine but its the same sort of context because its informing changes that apply to the public. I decided to take a look and how it has been put together and how much information is included in the booklet in order to help me design mine and also make it believable that its a government booklet.

Here is the booklet that i am looking at:

As you can see from the pictures it has a very basic style but i find this some what fit for purpose because by making it quite basic and only including key information it makes it easy to understand to a wide audience which is important as it is aimed at a lot of people.

I like the colour scheme its very neutral and relates well to the whole green living idea regarding recycling  
etc. The font is very legible and the size in my opinion is spot on. The language used in the booklet again is very easy to understand which is important.

I also like the little city skyline at the bottom of this booklet i think it really helps to break it up a bit and give it a little something to look at.

The front cover in my opinion is the only thing that really lets it down. the images are not the problem as i know with it being a government booklet they have tried to include different shapes, sizes and race of people so they are not discriminating but its just the way its been put together it just looks like its been thrown together without no thought what so ever.

I think that they had put a bit more effort into it it could have looked good to be honest i think the cover would have looked a lot better it it did not have the people or the items of rubbish and bins and they just stuck to the vector work this would have looked a lot more better visually.

After having a good read through this booklet i decided that it was time to start drawing up some mock ups for my booklet.

I decided that i am going to go for the same size which is A5 to make my booklet look consistent to the rest of the booklets the government send out in the post. 

With my booklet being relevant to cyclists i think i am going to stick with a green colour scheme but it will be different to te recycling booklet. i am going to stick with green for the simple reason that by cycling you are not doing any harm to the environment and your leaving no carbon footprint and its defiantly one of the greenest and healthiest ways to travel.

Here are some of my ideas on what my booklet might look like:

The image above is a play on the recycling booklet a little bit. I thought i could have a header saying your new cycle information system is here or something along those lines. I then thought i could have a brief description on what the booklet is about with a few images of the signs up so people know what they look like and then have on the other page my signage layout with a key and brief description on the signs etc.

For this idea i thought i would include  a sort of banner at the top and at the bottom of the booklet running on to both pages. I think i would have these in a darkish green maybe i think these would break the pages up quite well. As you can see i have got my signage on the right and on the left wold be the brief discription again i have just laid it out into a three column grid system to give it a firm structure.

This is another idea i had this one has the banner on the top left and on the bottom right at the right page. On this idea i have put my signage up on inside page with a brief description on the left hand side. On the right i think that i would just have a few pictures of the signs in the real world so people know how they look on the roads etc and a description around the images.

This is a slightly more detailed idea of how the front cover might look along with the inside and the back. Also i have played about with the idea of having a gate fold  for the signage system as you can see from the sketch. it might be a possibility to include a gate fold i am not sure yet though.

Right after having a play about with different ideas i thought that i would start making some mock up ideas of the front and back page playing around with my ideas.

This is my first idea i have decided to try out a nice light neautral green to convey the message that cycling is healthy and green etc. I thought it would be relevant to use the brief name for the title of the booklet as its relating directly to what i am doing. The font used is the same i have used on my information signage system which is the Transport medium typeface i wanted to use this to keep everything consistent. 

The bike is my own illustration which i have enlarged from one of my signs to have on the front cover. I like the over all look and feel of it i am not to sure where the type is sitting yet though. 

To keep it looking like a real government booklet i have included the council logo and the highways agency logo on the front.

As i thought thought my first idea looked ok but a little too plain i decided to add in a sort of background for the cycle to sit on to give it a little depth and structure to the front. I also thought that the logos looked a little to chunky so i made them a little smaller which i think looks a lot better in my opinion.

On this idea i have simply just tried shifting the logos around to see what they look like on the right hand side. I have also got rid of the leader dots and tried my text over to lines instead of three to give the cover a bit more space.

On this image i have just simply moved the logos on the bottom to the left to see what they looked like on this side however now i fell that everything seems to be aligned left and i do not like it as much so i think i will keep them to the right.

Here I have placed the logos back to the left i am unsure of which side i want them at the moment. I also am pretty sure that i am not going to put the leader dots back on again. On this idea i have followed the lower banner / background on to the back page so that when you open it looks like a continuous image i have also just played about with including one of my signs in just to get a feel for if i want to include anything or not.

For this idea i have now included a rough sketch on illustrator of a city scape in the background after seeing a similar layout in the recycling. I quite like the idea of having the city scape i think if i do it though it will look a lot better than the rough one on this example. I also think that i may have it running through the inside spread two.

This is just another play about with the back page. For this idea i have gone for more of an arrow ideas following on to the back. It would be in the same colour as the front but for some reason when i did this mock up it came out a different colour. I included one of my signs on on the back however now looking at it i think it looks a little thrown together so i do not thing it would be on the back if i went with this idea. 

Right after experimenting with a lot of different ideas i thought it was time i moved into production and create my booklet.

Below i have included my finished four page booklet on my informative signage system. The booklet has been created to promote and inform people briefly about the system and what it looks like.

Front Cover:

In the end for the front cover i decided to keep most of the aspects from my original mock ups but i have made a few changes. For example i did not really like the bottom banner as i thought it looked a little too square and simple. Simple is the look i am going for dont get me wrong but it looked a bit dull. So i changed the bottom into a sort of curving landscape using two different layers i drew in Illustrator. I coloured them in different shades of green so that the cover has a bit more colour and contrast to it.

After looking closely at my Highway Logo i saw that it was bad quality and had quite a lot of distortion in it good job i noticed this on a mock up print or could have cost me when i came to print for real. The logo has been replaced and also has been scaled down ever so slightly so that it fits in the landscape shape at the bottom of the page.

Evaluation on Cover

I must say i was pleased with my initial mockups and design and so was my Lecturer Paul however i thought it could be slightly better so after a refresh and a bit of experimenting i can now say that i am really happy with how it has formed. I have tried to make it look as much like a government brochure as possible so that it would actually look like something you would receive in the post. I think i have achieved this to be honest it looks believable and its not to over the top i think it is fit for its purpose and i am happy with it

Inside Spread/left page & right page:

Right here we have the centre spread for my booklet. Out of all the aspects of the booklet i think the centre spread has turned out the most impressive in my own opinion. I mainly stuck to my ideas in my sketches by having the big header on the left followed by text and some example images with the signage system on the right. I also decided to to create my own swooping landscape to run across the bottom and also my own city landscape using Illustrator pen tool. For the landscape i went for three layers this time to give it a bit more depth and also to make the city illustration look more suited to the environment.

I included the main header in one of my signs so that straight away you can see the theme of my signs i also placed the leader dots which i had originally on the front page alongside the text and then had the header following straight into the text underneath which i think works well.

I then created a custom 4 grid system to work to with 3 columns of text and two example images of the signage which i drew in sketch mockups. To get a bit of a different look and feel to the booklet i decided to have the text sit into some dark green text bow to help the white text lift off the background a bit and look more vibrant. I have kept the same font throughout to keep my design consistant the font is Transport Medium which has been used for the original signage.

I also created a a vector pattern using my drawn cycle which i then applied along the top of the spread i really thing this just finishes it off and gives it a bit more edge and liveliness to it.

Moving on to the right page i had to completely recreate the layout of my signage system so that it would look right and also fit onto the page. I re laid it according to the shape and meaning of the signs and also included the Key at the bottom so that readers could quickly have a look at what the different colours mean.

I think the way i have laid the system out in a four column grid looks well it looks very clean and tidy and i think everything fits together well.

Evaluation on Centre Spread

I am very happy on how the centre spread has turned out it has been a pain to get it looking exactly how i wanted it but i think that the end product is probably better than what i had it in mind to look like. It has took a lot of messing about especially the signage system on the right page as i had drawn them entirely in Illustrator and when i came to drop them into In Design they looked fine but it was not until late into the brief that i noticed because the text had been done in Illustrator and not In Design it had become pixelated. Not a lot but it was noticeable close up. Me being quite a perfectionist i scrapped it and recreated the whole info sign system again from scratch in In Design which was not fun to say the least.

However i am happy i did the text looks a lot more crisp and i now can safely say i am happy with it. I think the overall design on the spread i am very proud of as i have created it all by my own vectors and illustrations. It took a little longer but i think the difference shows in the end product. I especially like my cycle pattern vector that i have running along the top it just finishes it off for me.

I am also happy with how the structure and the text has turned out i think that together they complement the background of the spread well everything just sort of fits together nicely in my opinion and i am actually really happy with it.

Back Cover:

For the back cover i went for one of my original ideas of having the city scape running along the back. I got rid of the sign though as i didn't think that it fitted that well and looked a little out of place.

I have included the city illustration that i used in my centre spread and also the cycle vector to keep consistency in the design and keep it all together. I have tweaked the cycle vector and also scaled it down to an appropriate size so that it did not look out of place.

I also scaled down the city illustration and then added another sweeping landscape this time just using one layer so it looked consistant but a a little different to the centre spread landscape as i did not want them exactly the same.

Just to finish it off i decided to include the Sheffield Council website that you would contact to find out more about the informative cycle system or ask any questions etc.

Evaluation on Back Cover/ Overall

The back cover i was actually half and half about all the way through created the booklet i could not stop tweaking it and changing it from my original mock up idea. However when i had created my centre spread and was happy with it i thought that i would tweak my original mock up to fit the with the centre spread design and it worked a treat in my opinion.

Over all i am really pleased with the whole project from my original idea to my final design ideas. This has been a nice project to take on and it seems to have flowed well as i got my idea quite quick, liked it and pursed it. My lecturer Paul also liked my ideas and where it was going so i basically kept at it until it was done with no real set backs apart from the having to re create my signage system from scratch again but it needed doing and im glad i sorted it when i did.

I can not really complain about the brief it has been an enjoyable one to take on and i am very happy on how it has all took shape. I dont think that i would have changed anything if i had to do this again. The only thing that i would have liked to have done is to have created a website relating to the info sign system as well as the booklet but i did not have time to pursue both and i stick by my decision of designing a direct mail booklet.

Until next time people thats your lot :) 

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